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how did the asgardians get to earth in endgame

By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. They clearly had no idea Thor was still alive, or they wouldn't have just left him floating. The Russo brothers have offered a simple solution. InThor, the magnitude of the Asgardian population is divulged during the scene depicting Thors coronation, as thousands of people watch from a full amphitheater. A lifelong fan of major franchises including Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Marvel, Tom is delighted his childhood is back - and this time it's cool. Hes proofread and edited several books for Seven Seas Entertainment and other clients and can be found on Twitter @tomtificate, where hes usually yelling about comics. This could compel Gorr to also consider the Asgardians as gods and directly target the remaining population. "He stole the Space Stone from me when he destroyed my ship and rev2023.3.3.43278. By the time the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive, all escape ships and, indeed, escape pods are clearly gone. In Endgame we find out that there are some Asgardians still alive. Should we test that?Loki to Thor. Before his death, Odin told his sons that their sister, Hela would be free and would try to rule Asgard by force. Janes turn as Thor was even more eventful for Asgard and the Asgardians, culminating in this summers big Marvel crossover event, War of the Realms. [2] The two traveled to Earth and with the help of Doctor Strange,[15] they found a dying Odin in Norway. Related:Thor: Love & Thunder Trailer Breakdown: 18 Story Reveals & Secrets. It only takes a minute to sign up. Thor challenged Hela to a fight while the rest of the Revengers and Asgardians fought her army of Berserkers. How do they get half a blown-up spaceship to Earth? Using a dimensional rift that Loki discovered many years ago, they teleported to the Dark Elves' home planet, Svartalfheim. How did they get to Earth? It is fired by cannons and generated as the shield used to protect the palace. Why is this? He's heavily involved with his local church, and anyone who checks him out on Twitter will swiftly learn he's into British politics too. Their interactions humans over 1,000 years ago had a strong influence on Scandinavian culture, with the Asgardians becoming the template for the region's Norse mythology. According to the co-director Joe Russo, half of the remaining Asgardians are once again decimated by the end of Infinity War when Thanos uses the Infinity Gauntlet to wipe out half of all life,leaving the Asgardians at around 750 to 1,250 people. In the post-credits scene they're ambushed by Thanos. However, the Snap victims were revived by Hulk with the Infinity Stones in 2023. I would more or less guess at the fact that Thor, Loki, Hulk and co had just had a tough battle with Hela, resulting in the demise of Asgard, all the remaining Asgardians were more or less refugees as opposed to soldiers. Infinity War co-director, Joe Russo, paid a visit to the University of Iowa where he attended and took questions from students. Well, we know thatJoe Russos already revealed that these Asgardians, including Tessa Thompsons Valkyrie,got away via escape ships that were deployed from the Statesman the Asgardian refugee ship. This leads Gorr to completely lose his faithin all gods. The Asgardians taught the Norse people their language and culture and displayed their abilities; this caused the Norse people to believe the Asgardians to be deities, and bestowed upon Thor and Loki the monikers "God of Thunder" and "God of Mischief". When Infinity War starts, moviegoers see Thanos and his Black Order inside Thor's . What If? [14], Asgard is where our people stand. Even though they can survive tremendous amounts of superhuman physical punishment more than a normal human being, Asgardians can still be injured. [17], Kind of a step down from a golden palace and magic hammers and whatnot. Gorr the God Butcher has a tragic story that explains his unyielding drive to kill all the gods he can find. This is an honor.Taneleer Tivan to Sif and Volstagg, Returning to Asgard, Thor declined the throne and told Odin he wished to stay on and protect Earth. It's not at all clear how this happened - especially given Thanos and his children don't seem to have encountered the Hulk until this point, which just seems rather odd. Meanwhile, Malekith devised a plan, disguising his lieutenant Algrim as a Marauder and had him imprisoned on Asgard. I cant tell what Im seeing in the middle photo but Ill take your word for it. half of the population. He refused to shed any light on the ultimate fate of Korg, but at least this comment suggested Asgardians were able to launch escape pods. Most significantly, Asgardians possess remarkable durability and regenerative ability. They obtained greatly enhanced strength and a sense of extreme rage by touching the Berserker Staff. Odin awoke from his sleep but declined Loki's pleas for acceptance. [11], The humans think us immortal. But as New Asgard turns into a tourist destination for adventure seekers and those looking to worship the Asgardian gods, the Asgardians might havebecome soft and complacent, represented by Thor's newfound pacifism and Valkyrie's apparent boredom in leadership. Tessa Thompson took to Twitter over Infinity War's opening weekend to have a little fun with fans asking where she was during the movie. [2], Being an advanced, spacefaring people, the Asgardians interacted with various other races and cultures. The Asgardians eventually drove the Frost Giants back to Jotunheim, where Odin personally defeated the Jotun king, Laufey to the point of surrender. Odin, proud of the man his son had become, decided it was finally time to make Thor king, something he had now become wary of after years of battle.[1]. in stopping a Norse hate group from using the Berserker Staff, an Asgardian weapon, for sinister purposes,[9] and the latter became an enemy of S.H.I.E.L.D., who teamed up with Sif to stop her. With six years of professional writing experience, Cori has written articles for companies across many industries, from healthcare to marketing, fashion, and entertainment. Thor: Love and Thunderwill likely see the deaths of even more Asgardians,as it's possible that Gorr considers even regular Asgardiansto be gods. Understanding the abrupt beginning and the pre-plot of Infinity War. She currently writes features for the Delaware based-publications Delaware Seaside Bride and Delaware Independent. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In Marvel Comics,Gorr's family has traditionally paid homage to the gods in order to keep safe, but despite their devotion, Gorr loses not just his parents but his son as well. "Prior to the start of that scene, escape ships were deployed for Asgardians," Joe Russo explained, "including Valkyrie." Please do not make assumptions regarding confusing wording, other sites' speculation, and people's headcanon around the internet. Some Asgardian devices are deceptively primitive-looking with esoteric, ancient-sounding names. Two significant cases were Elliot Randolph and the sorceress Lorelei. Protecting Earth from the Frost Giants, the Asgardians came in contact with humans thousands of years agoin Scandinavia and were regarded as gods by the Vikings due to the Asgardians' advanced technology. After all, the Asgardian refugee ship originated from the junkyard world of Sakaar. The former aided S.H.I.E.L.D. When Hulk reversed the snap Wong could have gone to New Asgard, talked to Valkyrie, and she rallied the villager to pick up weapon and armor to fight. Do you believe she will show up in Avengers 4? [2], Asgard is not a place. What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? How do the surviving Asgardians get to Earth? After experiencing visions from the Scarlet Witch which foretold disaster on Asgard, Thor with Erik Selvig journeyed to the Water of Sight and obtained information about the Infinity Stones. Well yeah, but how did they get from the spaceship to Earth? Soldier's a job. Please enter a valid email and try again. It's a people.Thor, The Statesman was intercepted by Thanos and the Black Order. Avengers: Endgame (2019) That Loki is still alive and well, a prisoner of something called the Time . Look closely about two minutes into Infinity War, and you can see the distinctive shape of the Grandmaster's ship, docked with the Asgardian refugee vessel. Odin, erratic from the loss of his wife, had the Bifrost shut down and grounded all Asgardians for Malekith's return attack. Related: Infinity War: Why Heimdall Could Only Send Hulk To Earth. Introduced inThor, the Asgardians are an alien race from the realm ofAsgard thatseized power overthe Nine Realms under King Odin's (Anthony Hopkins) leadership. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters, Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion, How Shuri Can Save This Avenger after 'Infinity War'. What am I doing wrong here in the PlotLegends specification? Odin's wife was Frigga, who was incredibly powerful in her own right, and she served . Knowing the Aether was too powerful to destroy, yet fearing the consequences of another tyrant using it, Bor had it well hidden. : 3.02: Purpose in the Machine, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Under enormous stress, Odin fell into the Odinsleep, leaving Loki to take the throne. They eventually located Malekith, who took the Aether from Foster's body, despite Thor and Loki's best efforts to destroy it. They were mostly or partially made up of Asgardian citizens, not of a fighting profession who had volunteered for the mission. Thor soon returned to Asgard and confronted Loki who revealed his plan to destroy Jotunheim using the Bifrost to prove himself worthy to Odin. Thor then traveled back to Asgard. It is estimated that right beforeThor: Love and Thunder,there are about 1,500 to 2,500 Asgardians left alive and living in New Asgard, and while Hela began their decimation, it is Thanos who nearly wipes them all out. [18], In the aftermath of Thor's assassination by Hank Pym, Loki was made the Crown Prince of Asgard and took over the Earth vowing to seek justice for his adopted brother's murder. [6] Another example is when Thor tells the Avengers that the Chitauri are not of any world ever known,[7] although they reside in a region of space known as Sanctuary. Contents 1 History 1.1 Norwegian Village 1.1.1 Battle of Tnsberg 1.1.2 World War II Asgardians possess different internal anatomy from humans, with their bones, tissue, and skin denser. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Their encounters with other galactic groups helped the Asgardians build a higher reputation for themselves, earning respect from the other races, while also making them enemies of some. Even now. Once Thor meets the Guardians of the Galaxy, he tells them that Thanos slaughtered half his people. I mean, thats bad and all, sure, but at least there are more Asgardians out there somewhere. Finding a portal that led back to the same London warehouse from where Foster and Thor departed Earth, Thor battled Malekith, and, with the help of Foster, Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis, and Ian Boothby, killed him, reclaiming the Aether and saving the Nine Realms once again. Returning to Asgard, Odin stripped Thor of his hammer, Mjlnir, and banished him to Earth to learn humility and prove himself worthy of the throne. At the end of Endgame, it seems like the Asgardians are on Earth to stay as Thor once again renounced his kingship, giving it to Valkyrie to become what hes always been at heart, a wandering adventurer. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. They were led by Thor, but due to his hermetic lifestyle of drinking and video gaming, they did not see him unless he would require more alcohol. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Right now those people need your help.Odin to Thor. ""And because we couldn't understand aliens, we thought they were gods? The Chitauri were eventually defeated, the portal closed, and Thor used the Tesseract to return Loki to Asgard for punishment.[7]. That's perfectly in character for the Mad Titan, whose goal is literally to kill off half the life in the universe. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. By submitting your email, you agree to our, Avengers: Endgame settles Thor: Ragnaroks open ending with a nod to comics, Sign up for the Some devices are fused with advanced technology and magic, as in the case of the Destroyer. Where did they all come from? As it is an alternate state of Earth, the remains of New York City were built into it too, hence it became New Asgard. Thanos goes on to presumably kill half of the passengers (while Valkyrie and the others escape). In Infinity War, the Asgardians managed to escape the events of Ragnarok, and were headed to earth via the Statesman. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. What If? They will have the ability to make future appearances in Marvel films and who knows, may eventually be given their own series on Disney's streaming service, Disney +.There's certainly room to explore what happens to some Asgardian denizens, such as Lady Sif who was absent from Ragnarok, Infinity War, and Endgame.

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how did the asgardians get to earth in endgame

how did the asgardians get to earth in endgame